Back-to-business video technology: creating a health and safety policy

Organizations all over the world are noticing the power of cutting-edge video to help all their employees return safely to business. But while the health and safety technology itself is vital, it is only one part of the process. In this article, we want to analyze the Health, Safety and Welfare Policy that businesses should operate with their technology investment.
Intelligent AI-powered cameras supply vital screening services to organizations striving to get people back to business safety videos. These cameras can recognize if they are wearing a mask or not and measure skin temperature; and when there are too many people in a certain location they can carefully monitor crowd density. They can also accurately measure the distance between people, helping to uphold local social distancing regulations.
But to deliver its full potential, businesses should also assess key HR and legal matters that may affect all those coming into view of the CCTV Cameras. These considerations can be woven into a custom Health, Safety and Welfare policy, which is understood and adhered to by all.
- Make sure your staff are informed
Firstly, you need to ensure there is staff available to support the screening process at your premises, and that they know what they are expected to do.
For example, consider temperature screening. What happens if someone does have a high temperature? Who is going to be present to monitor and check temperature readings? Furthermore, what will you do if someone opposes having their temperature taken? Such things need careful consideration.
Equally, when it comes to mask detection, will you have members of staff on hand to guide people towards your mask detection cameras? Will you provide a mask if the camera finds someone without one?
For flow control, it is vital to consider how many people you can safely accommodate on your premises at any one time. You are also required to have a policy for what happens if people still proceed to enter a location that has reached full safe capacity. And if the system sounds an alert to one or more individuals, asking them to keep social distance, how will you go on to enforce this?
- Consider employee privacy and consent
It is also critical that staff fully recognize that they are being screened, and that they agree to it before you do it. You should clearly inform employees the nature and extent of the monitoring and its purpose, clarifying what has changed from your normal policies. It is suggested to get official written employee consent for being screened before you install the system.
If you decide to use facial recognition for employee access control, this technology will uncover personal data. Consent for processing facial images is important, so you must obtain it from each employee, who should be clearly advised that this data will be used only for future access control/ time attendance. Employees should also be given the option to withdraw their consent in the future if they change their mind.
The data of a human subject’s body temperature generated during automated temperature measurement is not defined as ‘personal data’ under certain data protection laws. Furthermore, don’t forget that data protection law does apply in the case that It is to identify the people passing the cameras, whether they are employed by you or not. For example having a person outside of your business pass on by the camera at your front door.
- Tailor your policy to your business
Of course, every business is unique and different. So when devising your own health and safety procedures, it is critical to tailor each element to your business’s policies and environment. Also, it is important to check the changing guidance and requirements set out by your country/county regularly to make sure you are not in the wrong.
Remote work during Covid-19.
Telecommuting may have proven to work well during the pandemic for some employers and employees. Using it as a permanent work/life balance and cost-saving tool, not just as a short-term emergency.
The main issues to consider in remote work include:
- Continuing to let employees work remotely for their safety and the business’.
- Staggering weeks in office and at home among team members, or part-time remote work on alternate weekdays.
- Responding to employee requests to continue to work from home, including long-term arrangements.
- Updating technology to support virtual workers.
- The long-term savings you can gain as a business with permanent remote work.
Communications after covid-19
Establishing a clear communication plan will let employees and customers understand how the organization re-establishes business processes or plans to reopen.
The most important issues after reopening and coming back to work are:
- How to stay at home if you are sick, along with social distancing policies in place to make sure customers and workers are to be kept safe.
- Details on workplace safety and disinfection protocols and how they should be implemented through company training.
- Have exposure-response communications ready to go to any affected employees and customers.
- Have media communications ready to release on topics such as return-to-work timetables, safety precautions in place, along with how else the company is supporting workers and customers. Prepare to respond to the media for workplace exposures.
The effect of new-hire paperwork in return to work
Employees returning to work who remained on the payroll would often not need to complete any new paperwork. Nevertheless, for those separated from employment, such as laid-off workers, it may be best to follow normal hiring procedures. It is advisable to determine employment application and enrollment requirements for rehired workers. Notify unemployment agencies of recalled workers, whether rehired or not as a precaution. Once completed remotely, be sure to follow up with the person upon their return to the workplace to ensure nothing is misunderstood.